Dialogs are used everywhere. JIDE Dialogs is a
product which makes the creation of dialogs easier.
In the current release, in addition to a standard dialog
template, several pre-built dialogs such as a wizard,
options dialog, tip of the day dialog etc., are
UI Components
Wizard component - supporting different styles
such as Microsoft Wizard 97 standard, Java L&F standard
and Mac OS X standard (on Mac OS X only)
Built-in wizard page templates such as welcome
page and completion page
MultiplePageDialog - can be used as an options
dialog or user preferences dialog, supporting different styles such
as the IntelliJ option dialog style, the Visual Studio .NET style,
the Internet Explorer style, the Mozilla Firefox style, etc
Tip of the Day Dialog
Wizard 97 Standard Welcome Page
Wizard 97 Standard
License Page
Wizard 97 Standard
Add Important Message to Page
Wizard 97 Standard Completion Page
Java L&F Standard Wizard
Welcome Page
Java L&F Standard Wizard
With Steps and Help as Left Pane
Java L&F Standard Wizard
With an Incomplete Steps as Left Pane