Progress monitor while table model calculates content

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Progress monitor while table model calculates content

Postby harmanpa » Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:00 am


We use a number of instances of JideTable and others, in particular HierarchicalTable, where the table data is slow to calculate. We generally start off with the table empty and then fire a change from the TableModel when the final data has been calculated, however this doesn't look great, especially with HierarchicalTable where an empty "child" is first generated before being updated.

It would be very good to have a type of table that can detect (for example by using an extended TableModel interface in the same way as SortableTableModel etc) such a situation and display a progress monitor or "Please wait" message while the table data is being calculated. This gives the end user a much smoother experience.


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Re: Progress monitor while table model calculates content

Postby JIDE Support » Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:26 pm

Please try to get the smooth experience by moving the calculation job to a separate thread. Attached is a modified demo to show how you could achieve your goal in HierarchicalTable.

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