A ListView Component

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A ListView Component

Postby durech » Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:18 pm

I have need a component that works similar to the "view" pane in Windows Explorer where you can display detail, list, icon, large icon, thumbnail views of and list/table data. There is a SwingX incubator project called JXListView that is sort of what I am talking about
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Re: A ListView Component

Postby JIDE Support » Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:53 pm

In Swing, there are JList with different setLayoutOrientation that you can set and JTable. The ListView component is sorta of a combination of both JList and JTable. So the essence of this component is the model part. With each element in a ListModel and use this model for both JList and JTable. For JList, difference renderer can be used to renderer the same element. For JTable, each element is a row. In the other word, JList and JTable are the view of the same model in this ListView component. Another way is to completely starting from scratch and not to leverage JList and JTable. The effort would be too much if so.

Sorry that I spell out all the implementation detail here. Let me know if you have any thoughts on it. I also wonder how JXListView is implemented. If you used it before, please share your view.

I think it worth making such a component and we will probably do it.

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