About Integrating JIDE in Eclipse

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About Integrating JIDE in Eclipse

Postby sidiq » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:45 pm

We got JIDE license for JIDE Ultimate Suite.
I would like integrate JIDE in eclipse IDE.
Could please any one help me to integrate?

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Re: About Integrating JIDE in Eclipse

Postby JIDE Support » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:05 pm

Do you mean integrating with Eclipse GUI designer? You probably should refer to Eclipse GUI designer (called visual editor??) document to figure out how to do it. JIDE is just a generic swing component library. Eclipse should be able to integrate any 3rd party components to its GUI designers.

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Re: About Integrating JIDE in Eclipse

Postby sidiq » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:32 am

Thanks for reply.
I also aware that eclipse supports 3rd party component to plug-in in.
Before go to analysis whether eclipse supports JIDE as GUI designer, I would like know that
Is JIDE developed in such way that support drag and drop feature?
We had an impression that JIDE supports drag and drop feature for bringing the components into the screen.
Please could give me clear picture?

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Re: About Integrating JIDE in Eclipse

Postby JIDE Support » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:45 am

All JIDE components are java-bean so they can be used in any gui designer in MOST cases. I said MOST cases as each gui designer has some kinds of "tricks" to get certain features to work or it sometimes even hard-coded certain things. For the well-known tricks, we knew those and will consider it in our code, mostly included in java-beaninfo.jar. But that's not guaranteed as it is not a standard. So all I can say right now is you just give it a try and let us know if certain component not working.

On the other hand, I don't expect you to use components from JIDE Docking Framework and JIDE Action Framework and use them in any gui designers. They will never work. And you probably shouldn't do that anyway as we have our own Visual Designer tool for this purpose. You can use other gui designer to design the content pane for DockableFrame and let Visual Designer to handle the overall layout of docking framework.

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