Jide - Spring Desktop/RCP integration

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Jide - Spring Desktop/RCP integration

Postby lievendoclo » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:33 am


Do you have any news on the Jide-Spring RCP integration project on java.net? The reason I ask is because I'd like to do something like that, but then for the entire Jide suite. Spring RCP has recently gone 1.0.0, and will be transformed into Spring Desktop in October as integral part of the Spring Framework.
For open-source projects using RCP there's no problem, since you guys have an open source project license. And for non-open source project it's always good to have the integration ready, that way people might be enticed quicker to buy Jide component?

Just a thought, tell me what you think. I think it would be great to have full Jide integration when Spring Desktop 1.0 releases :).
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Postby hbillings » Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:04 am

I am also very interested in this...
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Postby JIDE Support » Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:51 am

Are you saying there are more to it than what the open source project currently provides? Jonny (who is very active on spring rcp forum as far as I know) is the one who maintains the open source project for us for free as he uses in his own company. We didn't put any resource on it. We were hoping it can be picked up by people like you as a community. But let's discuss here what are missing to be ready for Spring Desktop 1.0 relesae.

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Postby lievendoclo » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:22 am

Yeah, he's quite active. But it so happens that I discussed with Jan (RCP lead and a colleague) today that we really need more people at RCP. Especially when we want to see a release in October.
What I am missing?
Jide Pivot for one. Just to give you an example on how it could be used:
We have a JPA application with a Spring RCP frontend (as do all our applications). We get object graphs from the database, and then show them on screen. When you combine GlazedLists' EventTableModel with Jide Pivot, you suddenly have a really powerful tool that works completely object-oriented instead of resultset oriented. I can easily provide a sample.
And then you can get started with EventTableModel-Jide Grids, a complete Jide OSS binding collection,...
The goal should not only be integration, but also easy out of the box usage. Johnny's code is already quite something, but with Spring Desktop a lot is going to change. You need to be able to change quickly and efficiently.
But when you're starting to go that way, you need:
- good communication (issue tracker is a must)
- manpower
- complete support of both sides
I myself work day in, day out with RCP (although this'll change, I'm changing jobs in 2 weeks), and work closely with Jan. So I know quite fast what's going to happen. At work, we created a lot of stuff on top of RCP, and it'll probably get into Desktop at one point (at least I hope). But again, at the moment, RCP lacks a bit of manpower. And whoever starts the integration, needs to realize this.
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Postby JIDE Support » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:31 am

I see your point. We are also short of people. Otherwise I will put a people on the integration. We are hiring but diffcult to find good people.

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