JideTabbedPane needs keyboard support

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JideTabbedPane needs keyboard support

Postby arazvi » Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:01 am

Many power users like to flip between tabs using a keystroke.

I could not find any way of tabbing quickly between tabs.

Instead I had to use the mouse(which was slower)

Would it be possible to add this functionality in a future release ?

Thanks in advance :)
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Postby JIDE Support » Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:51 pm

Can you add the keystroke yourself? It's hard to find a generic keystroke that is suitable for all cases. I wonder if that's the reason why JTabbedPane doesn't add such a keystroke either.

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No problem

Postby arazvi » Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:38 am

Sure, I can add the support for that myself.

I just thought that other people might want
this functionality themself and that you could
save them some time by allowing them to
register a keystroke rather than force them to
create a separate listener e.g.

in a JFrame you can use setDefaultCloseOperation
rather than than create a WindowListener, ignore
stub methods, only implement the windowClosing(...)

Don't worry about it if it is too complicated :)
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Postby bill.sullivan » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:11 am

When I use Java's JTabbedPane I can can change tabs fairly easily using keystrokes. Even if an object within the tabbed pane has focus I can use control+pageup or control+pagedown to change tabs.

All of this is built in, all my code did was create a JTabbedPane and add a few JPanels. I checked and this functionality has been in Java since about version 1.2.

It appears control + (pgup/pgdn) is a pretty common keystroke for changing tabs, in addition to JTabbedPane I just checked and it is also used in Firefox and Eclipse.

IMO JideTabbedPane really should have all the same features as JTabbedPane plus all the great stuff you guys add. The fact that it is missing seems to be a flaw to me.
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Postby JIDE Support » Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:25 pm

I just tried CTRL + PAGE_UP or PAGE_DOWN and it works in JideTabbedPane. Did you put some components inside tabbed pane which blocks the two keystrokes. For example, if you try to press these two keystrokes inside a JTextArea, it will not work because JTextArea defined the same keystrokes.

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