components to deliver

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components to deliver

Postby sse » Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:03 am

The toolbox you sell, is pretty and enable swing applications to be roughly at the same level of UI richness as other windows environment.

That's a good point.

I am currently analysing the different offers in the market.

Our job is to design rich client apps, with centralized business rules.

What is missing in your toolbox for it to be comprehensive is :
- file/directory chooser (OS similar)
- utilities to generate Excel, Word, OpenOffice, Pdf exports out of the box
- print preview

And hopefully to be integrated in swing IDE (Netbeans for eg) would be smart.

What we are looking for also, but this is may be out of your scope is :

- A good report generator, that can be aswell integrated into our app (not only standalone as you would have understood).

As you look to be a very professional company, you may have good company names regarding this area.

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Postby JIDE Support » Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:16 am

Thanks for those suggestion.

A folder chooser will be included in coming 1.8.6 release.

We don't have anything related to doc/xls/pdf export. Actually I am not quite sure what you mean exactly. Can you elaborate?

We haven't got into print preview or report generator market yet. There are a bunch of reporting companies (some of them are even our customers), we probably will not try to get into it for now. For print preview, we felt it should be a JDK thing so I guess Sun will do it themselves sooner or later. For now, I heard J2PrinterWorks you can get it a try.

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Postby sse » Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:12 pm

Thanks for your answer.

As far as reporting tool is concerned, what we are looking is highly productive reporting tool that can be embedded into rich client java app (i would say crystal report like), we do not want to code these parts.

On the other hand, as far as UI componants are concerned, what i meant :

- excel, word, oppenoffice, pdf export : what we are expecting, is toolbar functions ready to use that can be bundled into our screens, that deals with exporting Jtable (or resultset/datasource) content to excel, word or pdf.
this is a handy function, that may be customized, that end-users ask for.

- chart toolbox (list of different charts easily customizable by the end-user : scale, chart type, 2D/3D, etc. - like DLL we find under windows OS). chart taking their values from arrays/datasource/resultset.

- is you designer planned to be integrated into existing IDE, such as NetBeans. This i suppose would leverage dev productivity.

Thanks for your feedback.
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Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:51 am

Postby JIDE Support » Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:25 pm

Thanks for the explanation. I think I understand it now.

- Both export and charting are cool features to have. I wonder if there is any exist components doing these already. I knew for sure there are quite a few charting libraries.

- We don't have plan to integerate visual designer into any IDE. You probably only need to use visual designer a few times for the whole application development cycle so I felt it's not critical to have it integerated with Java IDE.

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