Button on DockableFrame

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Button on DockableFrame

Postby nicola.gioia » Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:44 am

It is possible to add some custom button on title bar of a DockableFrame?
It should be very useful to add custom functionality available on the DockableFrame in all status (float, or docked).
A little example is a DockableFrame that visualize a set of element and which can be visualized in different mode (list, thumbnail, details, etc.).
To change the visualization type the user could simply press on a ToggleButton on title bar instead that selecting it on a PopupMenu (that can contains specific functionality of the objects instead of the view) or in a menu in a menubar or in a toolbar.

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Postby JIDE Support » Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:38 pm

You can use dockableFrame.setTitleBarComponent() to add any component to DockableFrame. The thing is only when it is under Eclipse L&F, it will place titleBarComponent in DockableFrame's title bar because that's how real Eclipse works. For other L&F, it will be placed right below the title bar unless you change UIDefault "DockableFrameTitlePane.titleBarComponent" to Boolean.TRUE.

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