Text wrapping in cell when row is resized

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Text wrapping in cell when row is resized

Postby troydugger » Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:19 pm

The new Resizable Table feature is great, but why would someone need to resize the row if the contents of the cell don't change. Maybe this is easy to do, but I haven't seen it. Could the text that is truncated resize to wrap inside the cell as more cell real-estate is available? Of course, you would want the text to wrap on words (like JTextArea supports). I'm sure there are crinkles in this, like what to do when all the text still doesn't fit in the resized cell. The text would wrap until it could no longer do so and the last line would be truncated. As you resize the column, then text would wrap the same way. Sounds difficult. Or is it?
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Postby JIDE Support » Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:50 pm

In fact, JideTable has setRowAutoResize(true) feature. If your cell is MultilineTableCellRenderer, it will resize automatically based on cell content.

So this new resizing feature is really useful when setRowAutoResize(false).

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