Drag the mouse from the button part of a JideSplitButton into the down-arrow part (where you click to make the drop-down menu appear) and release it. Do not allow the mouse to leave the JideSplitButton's area. The button part stays depressed, as if the mouse was still being dragged.
Here is some code to run to test this with:
- Code: Select all
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import com.jidesoft.swing.*;
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setLayout(new GridLayout());
final ButtonGroup group = new SplitButtonGroup();
for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
final JideSplitButton button = new JideSplitButton(""+a);
button.setButtonStyle( JideSplitButton.TOOLBOX_STYLE );
If you have any suggestions, fixes or workarounds, or can't reproduce it, please let me know. I plan to look at the source to find the cause, but I'd guess it's a mouseDragged storing some state that doesn't get cleaned up. It doesn't help that the source does not build as-is. I guess someone doesn't realise there are other OSs besides OS X: "/home/ricky/jide/jide-oss/src/com/jidesoft/plaf/aqua/AquaJidePopupMenuUI.java:[9,16] package apple.laf does not exist".
This is my first post; if I don't respond to an answer it could be that I've misconfigured something here; feel free to send me email at ricky.clarkson@gmail.com if I'm slow.